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The federal court officially sentenced Sholom Rubashkin Tuesday to 27 years in prison for his bank fraud conviction,

which is greater than the amended recommendations from prosecutors

and is inconsistent with calls from throughout the legal community

for him to be sentenced in a manner similar to other men and women convicted of white-collar crimes.

Show your support for Sholom Rubashkin by telling the Justice Department: “This sentence is unfair. This sentence is excessive. This sentence is not in the public’s interest.”

Read this important article in JTA: http://bit.ly/9Xtqfm.

Read this amazing editorial in the Chicago Tribune: http://bit.ly/czYX7M.

Watch Nathan Lewin at the Boro Park rally for Sholom Rubashkin: http://bit.ly/bKan4j.

"This is a stain on American justice, and it gets to be a bigger and bigger stain all the time," defense attorney Nathan Lewin told JTA.

  1. Read the coverage in JTA and Chicago Tribune.
  2. Watch the video of Nathan Lewin speaking at the Boro Park rally.
  3. Send a respectful e-mail to the Department of Justice Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison (oipl@usdoj.gov).
  4. Tell them “This sentence is unfair. This sentence is excessive. This sentence is not in the public’s interest.”
  5. Call on them to explain why Sholom Rubashkin has been targeted by prosecutors in Iowa and why he is getting 27 years in prison when others convicted of similar crimes have received significantly shorter sentences.
  6. Remind them that more than two dozen former senior Justice Department officials – including six former U.S. attorneys general – said it would be an “absurdity” for a sentence of life in prison, or anything close to it, for a 51-year-old, first-time, non-violent offender.
  7. Go on Facebook and Twitter and ask your friends to send an e-mail as well.
  8. Forward this e-mail to family, friends and fellow supporters of Sholom Rubashkin.
  9. Ask your friends to subscribe to these alerts at justiceforsholom.org.

Please note: It is inappropriate to send e-mails or other correspondence to the judge in this case or the appellate court. Please direct all e-mails to the Department of Justice Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison at oipl@usdoj.gov. Please keep your comments respectful at all times.

Together, we can show prosecutors and the legal community that concerned citizens are watching the case of Sholom Rubashkin, and that he deserves “equal and fair administration of justice under the law.”


This page was updated on June 23, 2010